Getting Started
This is a quick primer which guides you through the TNM Tournament Edition installation procedure, importing Wrestlers, setting up your first Tournament, and getting it up-and-running.
Installing TNM Tournament Edition can be as easy as clicking "Next" three times. If you do this, it will install to its standard program folder, and you will start out with pack of 16 Fantasy Wrestlers created specifically for TNM Tournament Edition.
First you choose which folder to install the program to. Please note that this folder can't be in "\Program Files" or "\Program Files (x86)" because it needs write-access to its program folder, and these special folders do not allow for this.
Next you choose between one of three options:
-> Install TNM Tournament Edition Fantasy Wrestler Pack
-> Import Data From Existing TNM 7 Second Edition Installation
-> Start With Empty Wrestler Database
Install TNM Tournament Edition Fantasy Wrestler Pack
Choosing this option will give you 16 wrestlers to start off with without having to import any Wrestler Export Files.
Read Wrestler Bios
Import Data From Existing TNM 7 Second Edition Installation
To import the databases of an existing copy of TNM 7 Second Edition, please click "Browse" and navigate to its folder. Then click "Import Data From This TNM Installation" and you're done.
The installer will import your wrestlers, moves, managers, dives, tag teams, stables, and set preferences from any registered copy of TNM 7 Second Edition.
It will not import data from a trial version, and it will also not import circuit data as there are no circuits in TNM Tournament Edition.
Start With Empty Wrestler Database
Choosing this option means you will be starting out with an empty Wrestler Database. Before you can run tournaments, you will have to either create wrestlers or import wrestler export files. You can download wrestlers from these places:
You can skip this section if you started with the 16-wrestler TNM TE Wrestler Pack or imported an existing copy of TNM 7 Second Edition.
To import Export Files you have downloaded, just drag them onto the main program window from the Windows Explorer. Or click "Export Files" and then "Import Wrestler Export".
Click "Open Export File", select the file you wish to import, click "Parse Selection" and then "Import File". Repeat these steps for all files you wish to import.
Or you can speed this up by clicking "Batch Import", adding all files you wish to import and finally clicking "Import Batch".
From the main menu, please click "Tournaments" and then "Show Tournaments" to enter the main tournament section.
Tournament Templates are re-usable outlines which describe the structure of a particular tournament. TNM Tournament Edition comes with a whole host of pre-defined Tournament Templates which you can use out-of-the-box - or you can create your own.
Select a Tournament Templates from the list and click "Book Tournament" to create your first tournament.
The first step in creating a tournament is selecting whether you wish to have individual wrestler or tag teams compete. You select - depending on the tournament type - the number of Blocks and the number of Participants per Block.
This is also where you adjust the number of points awarded for different win types, loss types and draws. By default, each win is worth the same amount of points and losses do not influence the participants' points.
The exact tournament logic is shown in the Tournament Rules panel on the left.
You are almost done. All you need to do now is select the Participants for your Tournament. You can add a Wrestler or Team to the Tournament Roster by double-clicking the entry or by moving the cursor to the entry and pressing the RIGHT arrow key.
Pick the time limit, the number of falls and other stipulations, and when you're done, click the green "Save Tournament" button.
Click the Tournament you just created in the list on the left. Then click the Run Tournament button and you're off to the races.